The Achik Project


February 2021

In 2020, SafetyNet Technologies and the Manta Trust worked with the local fishing communities in Zorritos and Mancora, Peru to understand their motivations around catching unwanted species and the legacy of their industry. Through interviews, workshops and immersion into the experience of fishers and the wider community in northern Peru our seven researchers were able to map out the needs, priorities and experiences. This research helped the Manta Trust understand more about the motivations of the fishers in these communities, especially their feelings around catching mantas, the number of incidents they’ve had, and the effect that has had on their livelihoods, which will help the team better tailor workshops in the future. It also helped SNTech to understand how much they might have to transform their operations and offer to provide something valuable, useful and accessible to fishers, as well as what support systems would need to be in place to raise awareness, train and educate fishers and partners.

Watch the video below to gain an insight into what the collaboration discovered about local fishers’ experiences with marine megafauna bycatch.
