Meet the Team - Sarah Travers


July 2020

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Tell us about your first manta ray encounter.

My first encounter with a manta ray was in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica with Iguana Divers. I was there to share the laser Photogrammetry Technology that we use to measure sharks and rays in our area, because they seemed to be encountering mantas on almost every dive! We dove at a site known to be a cleaning station for the mantas and were only underwater a few minutes before they started showing up! They are enormous and incredible and move with such ease through the water. I could have watched them all day!

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How did you come to be involved with ConnectOcean?

My journey with ConnectOcean started like most things these days - a google search. I found this amazing company online and been a part of their incredible mission for over 2 years. I love the variety of projects that I get to be involved with and that they are all geared towards connecting communities to the ocean in order to create healthy oceans and communities! I became the person in charge of finding divers who had encountered mantas in Costa Rica and adding their ID photos to our database. I get to hear everyone’s stories about how a manta interaction changed their view of the ocean, and see all of the beautiful footage they create. I get to see their excitement when they get to name a new manta, and to share if we see the manta again!

What legacy would you like to leave in your field of research/conservation?

The best legacy would be for people to understand that they can make a difference by taking small actions in their everyday life, and be inspired enough to do so while spreading the word with those around them. A societal paradigm shift in how we view and treat the environment in general is what we need to save our planet, so that all of the creatures (including us humans) can continue to thrive here. We rely on a healthy world, and as they cover over 70% of the world’s surface and create the climates, a healthy ocean is key to that health!

What is the most challenging part of your work?

The most challenging part of my work is having enough time to do everything that needs to be done. We are a small operation focusing on connecting communities to the ocean and our projects span from adult and Jr lifeguard programs, swim lessons, citizen science diving, scuba courses, sustainable fishing programs with local artisanal fishermen, and of course the Manta ID Database. With our busy schedule aimed towards creating ocean stewards, there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.

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What is the most surprising thing you have learnt about manta/devil rays?

The most surprising thing I learned about mantas is that their brain to body weight ratio is comparable to mammals. They are incredibly intelligent and this becomes apparent when interacting with them! They are so incredible and majestic! I would love to learn more about their social interactions.


If you could ask people to do one thing to help - what would it be?

If people could ban together to do one thing, it would be spreading the word. Telling the story of the ocean in a way that will get people who aren’t directly connected to care is the key to change. Then those people would understand the importance of making positive changes like cutting out single use plastics, and purchasing locally and sustainably sourced products, and being an active part of environmental and community health.



Conservation and Outreach manager at ConnectOcean
