Moodhu Madharusa - Maldives Marine Education Programme


July 2019

The Manta Trust believe that encouraging children to learn about their natural marine resources is the most effective way to ensuring the long-term conservation of the Maldives marine environment.

Many schools in the Maldives do not currently include subjects such as Marine or Fisheries Science in their core curriculum, so our team in the Maldives are providing the expertise and capacity needed to better educate local children about these topics.

Our Maldivian Manta Ray Project has been delivering outreach initiatives to local schools, across four atolls, since 2015. Over time our efforts have grown in scope and ambition, ultimately leading to the creation of a fully-fledged education programme.

The Manta Trust education programme in the Maldives has gone from strength to strength and become an integral and prominent part of our project. Flossy Barraud has been heading up the education programme for the last two seasons and she tells us how she got involved, and what the programme hopes to achieve.



MMRP Education & Outreach Officer