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Proyecto Manta Pacific México

Established 2014.

The coastal waters of Bahia de Banderas in Mexico are an important site of endangered oceanic manta rays. The Proyecto Manta Pacific Mexico team are working with fishers to learn more about the manta population and how best to protect them.

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Proyecto Manta Pacific Mexico was established in 2014 in Banderas Bay, Mexico by Dr. Joshua Stewart, who engaged local fishermen and marine biology students from the bay and Baja California Sur in the implementation of an intensive manta ray monitoring program on the southern coast of Banderas Bay. Proyecto Manta supports marine conservation with an emphasis on the protection and sustainable tourism use of the manta ray (Mobula birostris) through research, capacity building, citizen science and stakeholder engagement.

We are focused on generating information on the biology and ecology of the manta ray using techniques such as visual census, photo ID collection, acoustic and satellite tagging, data analysis and numerical modelling to identify the environmental factors that influence the areas and seasons of manta ray aggregation in Banderas Bay. In the bay, manta rays are vulnerable to human impacts, such as collisions with boats and entanglement in floating fishing gear. Therefore, we work closely with the local communities located on the southern coast, involving fishermen and high school students from the communities in our research activities, from helping in the fieldwork to supporting marine science and conservation events in their community. Through our outreach and capacity-building activities, we aim to foster knowledge about marine conservation, promote the creation of community-supported giant manta ray protection guidelines and lay the groundwork for sustainable tourism activities.



Ensure effective protection of the oceanic manta rays in Bahía de Banderas by involving key stakeholders from local communities and government authorities in the creation and application of science-backed guidelines that promote the conservation of the species and sustainable development in the bay.


Main Objectives

To achieve our goal, Proyecto Manta Pacific Mexico is working to meet the following objectives:

(1) Generate information about the presence, movements and habitat use of the oceanic manta rays in Bahia de Banderas;

(2) Promote conservation measures for mantas, involving key stakeholders from fishing communities and governmental authorities in the design and implementation of guidelines that reduce incidental entanglements and boat strikes on mantas;

(3) Endorse the transition between the use of floating nets to line fishing among fishermen through ecotourism as an alternative source of income;

(4) Raise awareness about the oceanic manta ray and its marine habitat among the Bahía de Banderas population, organizing and participating in environmental outreach events;

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Project Leader - ILIANA Fonseca

Iliana began her participation in the project in 2014, as an undergraduate student. Her interest in oceanic mantas and their use of habitat in the bay led her to pursue a master's degree in which she explored the relationship between the presence of mantas and variation in zooplankton composition and abundance, using techniques such as stable isotope analysis. As project leader, Iliana aims to learn more about the habitat use of mantas and use this knowledge in the development of regulations for their protection that are supported by the people of the bay.


Project Leader - Aldo Zavala

Aldo finished his undergraduate studies in Biology in Bahía de Banderas in 2015. During his last year of undergraduate studies, he had the opportunity to participate in the newly formed "Proyecto Manta Pacific Mexico", where he was inspired by the multidisciplinary work being carried out. At the end of his studies, he continued participating in the project as a field technician and now as a project leader, he seeks to continue with the project's mission, pursuing a masters in which he will be focusing on creating links between government, fishermen and tourism and promoting action plans to protect the oceanic mantas and its ecosystem in Bahía de Banderas.

Project Supervisor: Joshua D. Stewart


Key Achievements


Since 2014, we have identified in the bay more than 300 manta individuals.


Identified the areas and months with the highest numbers of manta sightings.


Worked together with key stakeholders of fishing communities to develop alternatives that diminish manta entangling in fishing gear.


Involved 8 fishermen, 74 university students and 24 high school students from Yelapa in research and outreach activities.


Photos from the field

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Reef Manta Ray & Videographer, Hanifaru Bay, Baa Atoll, Maldives © Guy Stevens, Manta Trust 2010.jpg